Friday, October 19, 2007

a busy and difficult week.

School is keeping me very busy, and clinical especially. I am trying to do well in the hospital, but am finding it difficult. I know what I need to do, but when I need to do it I seem to forget how. I often wonder if maybe I should forget nursing and go into something else.
I just recently got a job as a nurse tech, at a retirement home just a few blocks from my apartment. I will be working 2-3 evenings a week. This job will be great for a lot of reasons. It will give me clinical experience, which will help me feel more confident about what I am doing, the pay is great, and the hours will work well with my school schedule.
Thanksgiving break is only a month away, but sometimes that feels so far off. I know it will be here and gone before I know it, but school is really getting me down right now. I have never felt this way about school before-- granted I never loved every class I was in or the homework, but now it is so draining that almost daily I have serious doubts as to whether or not this is right for me. But then I remember that all of nursing is not in the hospitals on the floors, and that helps me get through the day. I just don't think I would enjoy that. I plan to eventually get further education and become a family nurse practitioner, but need to focus on the here and now to make it through this step first.
I am so glad that I have a wonderful girlfriend right now to help me through this time. Without her I really don't know what I would have done, because this year I am not close to Whitworth anymore, and thus have lost almost all connections there. Just goes to show that when you really need something, God will provide. Last year I had great room mates and people in my life to lift me up when I needed it, now I don't-so I have an amazing girlfriend to help me.
This weekend is going to be a great time, I am going to a movie tonight, bowling tomorrow night, and a David Crowder concert on Sunday night. The only down side is that I will have to start my homework this afternoon.

1 comment:

Geoff said...
